The life of a mompreneur

I’m a busy mom first and a busy mompreneur second. My children just turned 4 and 5. It’s amazing to think that my first child was just a newborn when I started tinkering with Bare™. When my son was 2 I decided I was going to take two years off work to get Bare™ up and running and now….. 3 years later, we’re finally close to launching. Keeping my fingers crossed!

It’s not easy running your own business and raising your children. When it comes to every day life, I put on my mommy hat and take on the challenges of being a mom. In the last 2 months we had a spiderman themed birthday party, Halloween, the terrifying Sandy Storm, and a week after that a princess-themed party for my 4-year old. This is not to mention that my children's school was closed for a week due to storm damage. And now…… Thanksgiving dinner is in the works.

When the kids go to school is when my working-mom hat goes on and I rigorously, day in and day out, go over every aspect of my business. While its tough work, I keep pushing forward. Responding to the numerous emails requesting Bare™ from international distributors and local retailers, as well as parents who are super excited about the bottle, and interview requests, supercharge me and keep me going. There’s never a dull moment in my house. Some of the more distressing moments come when I wake up with a drilling migraine and still have to go through my day! I wish I could call in sick. I know one day I’ll laugh about these moments, but right now they’re not fun.

As we approach the Holidays, we should all stop and take a moment to think about those who are less fortunate than we and those who were most affected by the recent Sandy storm. My heart, and I am certain your heart, goes out to the them, especially the little ones. Here’s wishing that your Holiday season is filled with peace, love and happiness.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!