There's got to be a better way

Carlton is now 3 months old and I feel I never relieved his pain. After endless nights without sleep and constant crying, the colic seems to be going away on its own. Our pediatrician explained his organs are getting stronger and more developed. I browsed the “community” chats on several website looking for advice but found that most mothers had the same issues and more.

I never mastered the art of breast feeding. In the beginning it was ridiculously painful and Carlton never latched correctly which led to soreness and cracked nipples. Maybe if I wasn’t so afraid that he was going to hurt me, I would have continued the feedings and my milk supply would have kept up with his demand. I wished there was something out there that could have helped me, some thing like a device to train babies to latch properly. Now my breast milk begins to fade which means Carlton will be soon 100% on formula. Oh, and one more thing, I discovered I got pregnant with my second baby.

The headlines now scream to avoid plastic bottles because of BPA contamination. Like many mothers going thru this issue, I’m thinking… will there’s be something out there soon that’s BPA free? How long should I wait? What can I do about it? After discussing it with my husband, we decided we should use glass bottles. At the time the only ones I found were Evenflo classic glass bottles without air vents. The gas-pain agony began again.

Quickly, new brands of baby bottles came to the market claiming they were BPA-free, and all kinds of air-vents. I thought what if there was a nurser that completely got rid of the air inside the bottle? Almost like the Drop-ins brand but without having to buy liners all the time? What if it could do what other bottles cannot do?

My experience made me think there had to be a better way. I’m a creative person, there’s got to be something I could design that can help Carlton (and my second baby and all other babies) and keep a mother’s sanity.